Sunday, 20 November 2011

Gambar Buah-buahan

Belimbing adalah tumbuhan penghasil buah berbentuk khas yang berasal dari IndonesiaIndia, dan Sri Langka. Saat ini, belimbing telah tersebar ke penjuru Asia TenggaraRepublik DominikaBrasilPeruGhanaGuyanaTonga, dan Polinesia. Usaha penanaman secara komersial dilakukan di Amerika Serikat, yaitu di Florida Selatan dan Hawaii. Di Indonesia, buah ini menjadi ikon kota Depok, Jawa Barat, sejak tahun 2007.


The cherry is the fruit of many plants of the genus Prunus, and is a fleshy stone fruit. The cherry fruits of commerce are usually obtained from a limited number of species, including especially cultivars of the wild cherryPrunus avium.
The name 'cherry', often as the compound term 'cherry tree', may also be applied to many other members of the genus Prunus, or to all members of the genus as a collective term. The fruits of many of these are not cherries, and have other common names, including plumapricotpeach, and others. The name 'cherry' is also frequently used in reference to cherry blossom.

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