Thursday, 8 December 2011

Health Benefits of Grapefruit

Health Benefits of Grapefruit

Grapefruit is the  favorite fruit  for some people  that  provides the body with, vitamins , minerals and antioxidants, It is an rich  source of vitamin C, fiber, vitamin A and potassium Other health benefits

Benefits of grapefruit

Health Benefits of Grapefruit for diabetes

When the body couldn’t produce enough amount of insulen diabetes occurs ,grapefruit helps  to regulate the amount of insulin  and helps to lose weight which is necessary for diabetes also grapefruit  reduce the starches from the body  thus useful for diabetic patient

Health Benefits of Grapefruit as a remedy for cholesterol

Grapefruit is natural  remedy for cholesterol  because it is a rich  of soluble fiber called pectin which helps in reducing cholesterol

Health Benefits of Grapefruit as a remedy  for cancer

Grape fruit is antioxidant because it is  rich source of vitamin c that prevent the risk of cancer diseases

Benefits of Grapefruit for scanty urination

Grapefruit  is rich in potassium  so it is natural remedy for in scanty urination

Benefits of Grapefruit for weight lossBenefits of grapefruit  

Grapefruit  helps weight loss , because it reduces the  feeling of hunger  , as it contains  fibers which give feeling of  fullness and it helps appetite loss thus  reduce the amount of  daily food
Grapefruit is rich in  enzymes that burn fats and less in sodium that  increases  body metabolism which helps in losing weight

Grapefruit has alkaline effect

Grape fruit has alkaline effect in the body . Fresh grapefruit  increase the effect of the alkalinity in the body and  reduce the acidity which is the reason of many diseases  .

Benefits of Grapefruit for constipation

Grapefruit  recover from  constipation as it contains  fibers which stimulat colon

Benefits of grapefruit for arthritis

Grapefruit prevents arthritis because it conatin  salicylic acid  that  break down the  inorganic calcium which may leads to arthritis

nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy138 kJ (33 kcal)
Carbohydrates8.41 g
 Sugars7.31 g
 Dietary fiber1.1 g
Fat0.10 g
Protein0.69 g
Water90.48 g
Thiamine (Vit. B1)0.037 mg (3%)
Riboflavin (Vit. B2)0.020 mg (1%)
Niacin (Vit. B3)0.269 mg (2%)
Pantothenic acid (B5)0.283 mg (6%)
Vitamin B60.043 mg (3%)
Folate (Vit. B9)10 μg (3%)
Vitamin C33.3 mg (56%)
Calcium12 mg (1%)
Iron0.06 mg (0%)
Magnesium9 mg (2%)
Phosphorus8 mg (1%)
Potassium148 mg (3%)
Zinc0.07 mg (1%)
Manganese0.013 mg
Source: USDA Nutrient database

Health Benefits of Lychee

Lychee is a  sweet delicious fruits with heart shape which originates in China, Lychee fruits are low in calories and contain no saturated fats.
Lychee fruits rich in minerals like potassium and copper .
The word “lychee” in the Chinese language means the “one who gives the pleasures of life”

Vitamin B complex

Lychee is good source of vitamin B2 and B6 , which help body to produce energy as it convert carbohydrates into glucose which is necessary for energy ,also vitamin B is essential for healthy nervous system and production of some hormones


Lychee is important for good digestion , lycee contains vitamin B complex which is important to breakdown fats ,protein and carbohydrates ,and production of Hydrochloric acid

lychee  fruit
lychee fruit

Lychee is important for Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails

Lychee contain vitamin B which is important for cell reproduction as our bodies need vitamin B to renewing skin , hair and nails for constantly growing.


Lychee are rich source of vitamin C ,vitamin C are powerful antioxidant that fight free radical which damage cells and cause cancer diseases
Vitamin C also boost the immune system ,fight chronic disease and prevent  cold and flu

Lychee are rich in potassium

Lychee  are rich in potassium. Potassium is important for our body that maintains fluid in body regulates blood pressure, helps in the transmission of nerve impulse and prevents the cramp of muscles.

Foto Fruits

Gambar Buah-buahan

Selama hamil ini, aku suka banget makan buah, tapi kadang bingung yang baik itu buah apa ya? jelas kalau durian & nanas tidak boleh banyak-banyak. Buah apa saja yang boleh banyak dikonsumsi?
Semua buah baik dan bervitamin, asalkan kita tahu ukurannya.
Seperti buah nanas kalau kita makan terlalu banyak maka nanas dalam lambung akan ” ber-reaksi membuat soda + asam ”
jadi bisa ditebak kalau kita konsumsi terlalu banyak seperti satu buah nanas kita habiskan, maka perut terasa kembung akibat soda asam dalam lambung bereaksi, akhirnya yang terjadi kita diaree – muntah2 dan perut menjadi kram
Sedangkan buah-buahan seperti durian, nangka dan cempedak akan ” ber-reaksi kearah alkohol ”akibatnya perut kita akan terasa panas sekali dan akhirnya muntah2 dan diaree.
Sebab itu kalau kita sedang hamil, maka sebaiknya super hati-hati dengan buah-buahan sesuai dengan habitatnya.
Jenis buah apa saja yang dianjurkan untuk ibu hamil :
- buah tomat
- pepaya, semua pepaya kaya akan vitamin C
- mangga
- jeruk manis
- jeruk bali
- pisang, buah pisang kaya akan kalsium
- dan masih banyak lagi buah2-an yg lain, seperti rambutan, semangka, bangkoang, manggis, sawo dll
Selama kehamilan coba super hati2 dengan buah ” salak ”, karena ibu hamil sebaiknya mengkonsumsi makanan yg tidak mengakibatkan ” kontipasi – sulit BAB ”
sumber : YahooAnswerForum

Sunday, 20 November 2011


Video buah-buahan

Gambar Buah-buahan

Belimbing adalah tumbuhan penghasil buah berbentuk khas yang berasal dari IndonesiaIndia, dan Sri Langka. Saat ini, belimbing telah tersebar ke penjuru Asia TenggaraRepublik DominikaBrasilPeruGhanaGuyanaTonga, dan Polinesia. Usaha penanaman secara komersial dilakukan di Amerika Serikat, yaitu di Florida Selatan dan Hawaii. Di Indonesia, buah ini menjadi ikon kota Depok, Jawa Barat, sejak tahun 2007.


The cherry is the fruit of many plants of the genus Prunus, and is a fleshy stone fruit. The cherry fruits of commerce are usually obtained from a limited number of species, including especially cultivars of the wild cherryPrunus avium.
The name 'cherry', often as the compound term 'cherry tree', may also be applied to many other members of the genus Prunus, or to all members of the genus as a collective term. The fruits of many of these are not cherries, and have other common names, including plumapricotpeach, and others. The name 'cherry' is also frequently used in reference to cherry blossom.

Gambar Buah-buahan

Pisang (nama botani: Musa spp.) merupakan sejenis tumbuhan yang tergolong dalam famili Musaceae. Pisang mempunyai buah yang sedap dan lazat serta mudah ditanam. Di Malaysiakultivar seperti pisang masberangancavendish dan rastali ditanam untuk dimakan segar. Kultivar seperti pisang nangkaraja,langrelongtanduknipah dan pisang awak pula sesuai untuk dimasak atau diproses sebagai makanan ringan. Pisang yang pada mulanya merupakan sejenis tumbuhan liar di Asia Tenggara, kini telah dikomersialkan.


- Menurut sumber yang dipetik dari, manggis atau nama saintifiknya (Garcinia Mangostana) adalah pokok tropika malar hijau dan dipercayai berasal dari Kepulauan Sunda dan Maluku. Pokok manggis boleh tumbuh dari 7 hingga 25 meter dan menghasilkan buah berwarna ungu pekat yang boleh dimakan.
Kulit manggis menghasilkan warna merah, dan amat sukar ditanggalkan. Manggis dibuka dengan mengopek bukannya dipotong. Buah manggis dipegang dengan kedua belah tangan, ditekan perlahan-lahan sehingga kulitnya terbelah. Selepas itu, ianya mudah untuk dibuka dan mengambil isinya.